FIA Formula 4 CEZ
FIA Formula 4 CEZ
FIA Formula 4 CEZ
FIA Formula 4 CEZ
FIA Formula 4 CEZ
FIA Formula 4 CEZ
FIA Formula 4 CEZ


Race Report


Circuit: RedBull Ring (A), Length 4,326 km, 19th – 21st May 2023

Ethan Ischer (CH), Reno Francot (NL), Mathias Bjerre Jakobsen (DK)

Podiums for Francot and Jakobsen at the Red Bull Ring

The second of six race events for the ACCR Czech Formula 4 Championship took place at the interesting F1 Circuit of the Red Bull Ring (A). This was a new challenge for our drivers, who started with great expectations.

f4accr23 redbullring 21


Saturday, 20/05/23, 10.20 – 10.40, Weather: Cloudy, 13°C

In this championship there are several practice sessions available on Friday, followed by the official part with one qualifying session of 25 minutes, followed by two or three races of 25 minutes each. Two races were planned here at the Red Bull Ring.
The grid for the first race will be drawn up in the order of the fastest qualifying time achieved by each driver in the qualifying.
The grid for the second race will be drawn up in the order of the race 1 result. The grid for the third race will be drawn up in the order of the second best qualifying time achieved by each driver in the qualifying. Should two or more drivers have identical times, priority will be given to the one who set it first.
At this race event, Ethan Ischer and Reno Francot got a new teammate: Mathias Bjerre Jakobsen.

Results Qualifying
1st James Egozi (USA) PHM 1:31.581
2nd Michael Sauter (CH) Sauter Engineering 1:31.786
3rd Nandhavud Bhirombhakdi (THA) PHM 1:32.121
4th Reno Francot (NL) Jenzer Motorsport 1:32.164
5th Mathias Bjerre Jakobsen (DK) Jenzer Motorsport 1:32:320
6th Ethan Ischer (CH) Jenzer Motorsport 1:32.482


Formula 4 ACCR Czech Formula

Race One (25 minutes)

Saturday, 20/05/23, 16.00, Weather: Cloudy, 16°C

Just as Formula 4 was on the grid, a few raindrops fell the track. Race control decided to start the race behind the safety car. After the safety car came in after two laps, the battles for positions began. Sauter was 3rd and Reno 4th. Reno soon managed to get very close to Sauter. A long battle ensued, and the two practically drove side by side, corner after corner. Reno finally managed to leave Sauter behind. This put him in 3rd place and he was on course for the podium. Towards the end of the race he even managed to put pressure on Bhirumbhakdi but there was not much time left and he stayed in front. Reno crossed the finish line in excellent 3rd place. Ethan, who had not lived up to expectations in qualifying, changed positions several times with his new teammate Mathias Bjerre. In one of the corners the two really got together and Ethan took a trip off the track. Luckily he was able to rejoin the race and soon regained several places. When crossing the finish line he was just a small distance behind Mathias Bjerre. Mathias Bjerre drove a very good race and fought hard with Sauter. He even managed to move up to 4th place, but Sauter reclaimed that place in the end. The incident between Ethan and Mathias Bjerre was investigated by race officials. They awarded a time penalty to Mathias Bjerre as they found he had given Ethan too little space. As a result, the two swapped places.

Race One Results
1st James Egozi (USA) PHM 26:29.686  
2nd Nandhavud Bhirombhakdi (THA) PHM Gap 4.182
3rd Reno Francot (NL) Jenzer Motorsport Gap 4.766
5th Ethan Ischer (CH) Jenzer Motorsport    
6th Mathias Bjerre Jakobsen (DK) Jenzer Motorsport    
Fastest lap: James Egozi (USA) in 1:32.198


Formula 4 ACCR Czech Formula

Race Two (25 minutes)

Sunday, 21/05/23, 17.10, Weather: Sunny, 18°C

After a long wait, the second race of the ACCR Formula 4 started late on Sunday afternoon in the most beautiful sunshine. Ethan got off to a great start and immediately tried to make up places. He went wide, got back in line and kept fighting. A few corners further on, Sauter spun off the track and when Ethan also went over the edge of the track he couldn't avoid colliding with Sauter in the gravel. Unfortunately, that was the end of both their races. After a short safety car phase, the race was underway again. Reno was 3rd at the time, with Mathias Bjerre right behind him in 4th. Reno was close to Bhirumbhakdi and was pushing. Bhirumbhakdi made mistakes and Reno managed a very nice overtake on the inside. With that he took over 2nd place. Bhirumbhakdi never had a chance to regain that position. Mathias Bjerre followed undeterred in 4th place and brought this position home safely. Immediately after the race, Bhirumbhakdi was handed a large time penalty, allowing Mathias Bjerre to move up a place in the results list.
As a result, two drivers from Jenzer Motorsport climbed onto the podium: Reno Francot in an excellent 2nd place and Mathias Bjerre Jakobsen in a great 3rd place.


Race Two Results
1st James Egozi (USA) PHM 25:21.088  
2nd Reno Francot (NL) Jenzer Motorsport Gap 4.729
3rd Mathias Bjerre Jakobsen (DK) Jenzer Motorsport Gap 9.587
DNF: Ethan Ischer (CH) Jenzer Motorsport    
Fastest lap: James Egozi (USA) in 1:32.206


© Jenzer Motorsport

The third race event for Formula 4 ACCR will take place on the weekend of June 11, 2023 at Slovakiaring (SK).

Championship Standings

FIA F4 ACCR Championship 2023 after 4 races:
1st Reno Francot (NL), 66 points; 2nd Ethan Ischer (CH), 60 points; 3rd James Egozi (USA), 50 points, 4th Niko Taylor (GBR), 43 points; 5th Michael Sauter (CH), 38 points; 6th Oliver Michl (HUN), 36 points; 9th Mathias Bjerre Jakobsen (DK), 23 points

This is the 2023 FIA F4 Italian Championship Agenda:
28/29/30 April Hungaroring (HU) Race weekend 2 races
19/20/21 May Red Bull Ring (A) Race weekend 2 races
09/10/11 June Slovakiaring (SK) Race weekend 2 races
04/05/06 August Most (CZ) Race weekend 3 races
08/10/11 September Brno (CZ) Race weekend 2 races
06/07/08 October Balaton Park (HU) Race weekend 3 races

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